Moving On
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)
The project aims to promote equality, inclusion, and participation of Roma, Sinti, and Travellers in and through sports by strengthening positive narratives to counter anti-Gypsyism and increase inclusion strategies at the local, national, and European levels.
Project's objective

Equal access and opportunities
Promote equal access to sport for Roma, Sinti and Travellers as a means to prevent discrimination and improve equality of opportunity and well-being by addressing specific barriers and multiple discrimination based on gender and ethnicity.

Capacity Building
Increase the capacity of the grassroots sport sector, social organizations and public authorities to promote inclusion through sport and increase equal participation in sport for Roma, Sinti and Travellers.

Sharing success practices
Promote positive storytelling around stories and successful practices of inclusion through sport and in sport of Roma, Sinti and Travellers, to inspire others and contrast prejudices that fuel antigypsyism.

Sport as a tool for inclusion
Promote awareness on the role of sport as a tool of inclusion and its valorisation in the implementation of EU Roma strategic framework on equality, inclusion and participation at local, national and European level.

Minors from Roma, Sinti and Travellers communities

Roma, Sinti and Travellers athletes

Sports clubs and coaches

Educational, sports and social institutions
